Improve Your Online Store with Magento 2 Social Login Integration

Maximize User Retention on Your Magento 2 Store with Social Login | Mageleven

Social login allows users to log into your Magento 2 store using their existing social media accounts, such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, or LinkedIn. This feature makes it easier and faster for users to sign in or register, as they don’t need to create a new account or remember another password. By simplifying the login process, social login enhances the user experience and increases the chances of users registering on your site. It also ensures more accurate user information by pulling data directly from social media profiles.

Additionally, Social Login for Magento 2 extension encourages users to engage more with your site and reduces the likelihood of them abandoning their shopping carts. Overall, integrating social login into your Magento 2 store improves customer satisfaction and retention by providing a smooth and convenient login process.

Benefits of Social Login

Enhanced User Experience:

Social login provides a quick and easy way for users to log in or register on your site. This reduces the need for creating new accounts, remembering new passwords, and filling out lengthy registration forms.

Increased Registration Rates:

A simplified login process leads to higher registration rates. Users are more likely to register if the process is easy and quick, reducing barriers to entry.

Improved Data Accuracy:

Social logins pull data directly from the user’s social media profiles, ensuring more accurate and reliable information, such as email addresses and names.

Better User Engagement:

Users who log in with their social media accounts tend to engage more as they find the process seamless and trustworthy, leading to higher retention rates.

Reduced Cart Abandonment:

By offering a hassle-free login, you can significantly reduce the chances of cart abandonment due to login or registration issues.

Steps to Implement Social Login in Magento 2

Step 1: Choose a Social Login Extension

Magento 2 does not include a built-in social login feature, so you’ll need to install an extension. 

Step 2: Install the Extension

Purchase and Download: Buy the extension from the provider’s website and download it to your computer.

Upload Files: Use an FTP client to upload the extension files to your Magento 2 root directory.

Run Installation Commands:

  • Open your terminal or SSH.
  • Navigate to your Magento 2 root directory.
  • Execute the following commands to install the extension:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

php bin/magento cache:clean

Step 3: Configure the Extension

Access Configuration: Log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to Stores > Configuration > Social Login.

Enable Social Login: Activate the social login feature and adjust the settings according to your preferences.

Set Up Social Accounts: Configure each social media account (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc.) by providing the required API keys and secret keys.

Step 4: Enter API Keys in Magento

  1. Enter Credentials: Return to the Magento admin panel and input the API keys and secret keys obtained from each social media platform.
  2. Save Configuration: Save the settings and clear the cache if necessary.

Detailed Steps for Creating Social Media Apps

Creating a Facebook App

  • Go to Facebook Developers: Visit the Facebook Developers site.
  • Create a New App: Click on “Create App” and follow the instructions to set up a new app.
  • Configure Facebook Login: Choose the Facebook Login product and set it up for your app.
  • Obtain App ID and Secret: Once configured, you will get the App ID and App Secret. Enter these into the Magento 2 configuration.

Creating a Google App

  • Visit Google Developers Console: Go to the Google Developers Console.
  • Create a New Project: Click on “Select a Project” and then “New Project.”
  • Enable APIs: Navigate to the “API & Services” dashboard, and enable the Google+ API.
  • Create OAuth Credentials: Go to the “Credentials” tab, create OAuth 2.0 Client IDs, and get the Client ID and Client Secret.

Creating a Twitter App

  • Navigate to Twitter Developer Portal: Visit the Twitter Developer portal.
  • Create a New App: Click on “Create an App” and fill in the necessary details.
  • Configure App Permissions: Set the necessary permissions for your app.
  • Obtain Consumer Key and Secret: Once the app is created, get the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and enter these into the Magento 2 configuration.

Testing and Optimization

Test Functionality

  • Check Login Process: Ensure that the social login buttons appear on your Magento 2 login and registration pages.
  • Test Each Platform: Test the login process with each social media platform to ensure seamless integration.
  • Cross-Browser Testing: Verify that the social login feature works correctly across different browsers and devices.

Collect Feedback

  • User Feedback: Gather feedback from users about their experience with the social login feature.
  • Adjust Settings: Make necessary adjustments based on the feedback to improve user experience.

Optimize Performance

  • Monitor Performance: Ensure that the social login feature does not negatively impact your site’s performance, such as page load times.
  • Update Regularly: Keep the social login extension and your Magento 2 store updated to the latest versions to ensure compatibility and security.

Pricing and availability of Magento 2 Social Login Extension

Mageleven is generously offering its Social Login extension at no cost, catering to the needs of online stores seeking a robust Magento 2 solution for Social Login integration. Regardless of the specific online store platform they are utilizing, merchants can seamlessly implement this extension to enhance their customers’ login experience. By downloading the Social Login extension from Mageleven, online stores can unlock a plethora of benefits and elevate their login process.

Here are some key advantages of utilizing Mageleven’s Social Login extension you need

Seamless Social Login: 

Customers can conveniently log in to your online store using their existing social media accounts such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more, eliminating the need for them to create and remember separate login credentials specifically for your store.

Enhanced User Experience: 

By providing a simplified and familiar login process, you create a positive user experience that encourages customers to return to your online store.

Increased Conversion Rates: 

A smooth and hassle-free login process reduces cart abandonment rates, leading to higher conversion rates and increased sales for your online store.

Improved Security: 

Social Login minimizes the risk of fraudulent account creation and data breaches by leveraging the secure authentication mechanisms of major social media platforms.

Customization Options: 

The extension offers customizable settings, allowing you to tailor the login process to match your store’s unique branding and design.

Mageleven’s commitment to providing this Social Login extension free of charge underscores its dedication to supporting the growth and success of online stores. As the best Magento 2 Extension,  By leveraging the power of social media platforms, merchants can streamline the login process, enhance user experience, and drive conversions.


Integrating social login into your Magento 2 store can significantly enhance user experience, simplify the registration process, and boost registration rates. By following the detailed steps outlined in this guide, you can implement social login effectively and start reaping its numerous benefits. This integration not only improves user engagement but also ensures accurate data collection and reduces cart abandonment rates. Implementing social login is a strategic move towards creating a more user-friendly and efficient online store.

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